Terms of submitting the M.A. Thesis

Students of the Graduate Program must submit their M.A. Thesis in its final format to the Library and provide two hard copies and one soft copy in the following manner:

1 - Two bound hardcover copies: containing the decision about the Thesis (stamped by the college).

2 - A copy of the Thesis on a CD in PDF format divided into four separate files in the following way:

  • A file that includes an abstract of the Thesis in Arabic.
  • A file that includes an abstract of the Thesis in English.
  • A file that contains the following pages: (title page, dedication page, thanks and acknowledgement page, page of the decision of Thesis Committee with the stamp of the College.)
  • A file containing the text of the Thesis from the beginning of the page of contents to the end of the Thesis.

The student must also fill out the attached form of delivering the Thesis that is available on the library's webpage and submit it with the copies of the Thesis to the library, before the Library signs the release form allowing the student to complete the graduation process from the Admission and Registration Department.